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Hello, I'm Sam Parsons
Metrology-Focused Mechanical Engineer
Reach out ✉️
About Me
I'm a mechanical engineer based in Charlotte, NC, originally from Fayetteville. I'm currently finishing my BSME in Precision Engineering and Metrology while beginning my MSME in Metrology and Manufacturing at UNC Charlotte. I began my undergraduate studies in motorsports engineering, but after discovering metrology through my coursework, I shifted my focus to this field and haven't looked back.
These are some of the projects I've worked on. Over the years, my focus has been on metrology, manufacturing, programming, and process optimization, while also taking on leadership roles whenever possible. I have a strong interest in Python and C++ programming, instrumentation, and rapid prototyping. More details to come soon.
Laser Focus Research
Laser Focal Error Research
Working as a Research Assistant under the UNC Charlotte Center for Precision Metrology, I have been developing an automated system for measuring focal error in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing.

Using Python and OpenCV, I have created and implemented custom image processing algorithms utilizing contour detection, data extraction, precision rotation, distortion correction, custom measurement methods, and application-specific data processing.

Publication of this research is expected by the end of 2025.

Piezoelectric Motion Stage Metrology
Supported by ASML, my Senior Design project involves the evolution of a high precision PZT piezoelectric actuator-driven linear positioning stage.

Straightness and angular error are being characterized, as well as positioning hysteresis.

Piezoelectric Motion Stage Metrology
Automated Machine Data Analysis
Automated Machine Data Analysis
While working at Wolfspeed, I fully engineered and distributed an automated data analysis application for use company-wide.

This was a crucial tool that was used when increasing the efficiency and throughput of the applicable machines. Using Python and SQL, data was automatically retrieved, processed, visualized, and logged.

Formula SAE
In 2021, I helped to start UNC Charlotte's first electric vehicle team for the very competitive Formula SAE design competition. I led the Aerodynamics team, specializing in cooling, bodywork, and their integration with one another.
Formula SAE
Data Server
Data Server
As a side project, I built a server using a second-hand business computer and other parts I had laying around. This fully docker-based server is used to sync all my files and photos across all my devices.

Fun fact: This website isn't hosted online anywhere- I set up a local web server that you are accessing on my desk!